How to manage your money when you are a student. How to work out a budget and choose the right bank account.
Tax credit overpayments
Advice on what a tax credit overpayment is, how the overpayment can be challenged and how the debt can be recovered.
Time orders for mortgages
Advice on asking the court for more time to pay your mortgage or secured loan
Time orders on hire purchase
Advice on asking the court for more time to pay your hire purchase agreement
Time orders on unsecured debt
Advice on asking the court for more time to pay your unsecured credit.
Varying a CCJ
How to vary payments on a county court judgment when you can't afford to pay. Guide to stopping enforcement. Free advice on budgeting.
Water arrears and trust funds
Free advice if you are struggling to pay your water bill. Find out if a trust fund can help pay your water debt. How to negotiate with your supplier.
Ways to clear your debt
Ways to clear your debt · Find the best option for you · Negotiating with your creditors · Free debt management plan (DMP) · Individual voluntary arrangement (IVA).